Please confirm how you would like us to contact you. If you don't select a contact method we won't be able to contact you to offer you any services. You can opt out whenever you like, and we won't share your contact details with any other organisations.
By clicking "submit referral" you agree that we keep your information on file and may take photos of our group events to publish. We might also send you emails of our own or related information that may be useful to you such as mother and baby outings and clubs (you can give specific consent for these in the 'consent' section of the form). Privacy Policy: MumsAid will hold the information provided in this document in confidence, but it may be shown to the Client if they request it. Information provided by the Referrer and Client will be uploaded to our secure database and used only for the purpose of providing support to the Client or, with their additional consent, for sign-posting to other service providers. Please see the link at the end of the form for our full privacy policy.
You can read our privacy policy here